Connected Learning Summit
Proceedings of the 2019 Connected Learning Summit
The Proceedings of the 2019 Connected Learning Summit features research and presentations from the 2019 Connected Learning Summit, attended by 450 people at the University of California, Irvine in October 2019. The proceedings include full research papers as well as 250-word abstracts for Showcase presentations, workshops, Ignite Talks, Tech Demos, symposia, Hall of Failure sessions, Well-Played sessions, and poster sessions. In total, 176 conference presentations are featured in the Proceedings of the 2019 Connected Learning Summit.
The mission of the Connected Learning Summit is to fuel a growing movement of innovators harnessing emerging technology to expand access to participatory, playful, and creative learning. The Connected Learning Summit represents a merger between three community events with this shared vision and values: the Digital Media and Learning Conference, the Games+Learning+Society Conference, and Sandbox Summit. With a unique focus on cross-sector connections and progressive and catalytic innovation, this annual event brings together leading researchers, educators, and developers.