ETC Press can be much more flexible and has a much quicker turnaround time on the projects we publish because we aren’t tied to legacy printing systems. This means we can go from accepting your project to publishing in just a few days (once you have finished all the writing, of course).
And since we’re an open access publisher, this means that you retain ownership of your intellectual property, and we publish under a Creative Commons copyright. There will be a free version of your book available for download, along with the paid options of print and e-book.We probably aren’t right for your project if you’re interested in doing a hands-on design heavy, hardback book. Those books tend to be extremely expensive to create when done on-demand, and so they can often benefit from a more traditional publisher.
ETC Press is more focused on print and digital on-demand sales, which means we don’t have a presence in any physical bookstores (although bookstores can order our books). Our model is designed for the work to be readily available to people interested in these topics. If you’re hoping to have a print run of books distributed in stores, you will want to look for a more traditional publisher.
Finally, ETC Press doesn’t have an infrastructure designed to edit and promote your book, outside of the more traditional marketing and communication resources at Carnegie Mellon and the networks we’ve set up at the Entertainment Technology Center. If you’re hoping for a big promotional push for your work, you should definitely work with a more traditional publisher.