Visualizing Game Data

Digital games have become one of the more popular learning mediums, both in and out of the classroom (Prensky, 2003). While they provide engaging and diverse learning experiences, it is still unclear how to properly assess student learning in these massively complex environments. Furthermore, the integration of these programs into existing teacher curricula requires a large amount of resources and development centered on how to provide concise professional development materials and meaningful data visualizations for the increasingly busy K-12 teachers (Work, M.D.). The ADAGE system aims to collect real-time telemetry data from games and present it to teachers and researchers in a way that can provide quick assessment of student learning (Stenerson et al, 2014). In this workshop, attendees will interact with three different educational games and asked to collaboratively design a mockup of an interface that they would use to assess learning in their professional lives.

Collaborative Dashboard Design for Researchers and Teachers by Researchers and Teachers
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