A Path of Deploying Game-Based Learning into Classroom

Game-based learning has emerged, and it is hopeful in having a radically transformative effect on schooling. However, in many ways, the resulting scope of the schooling transformation is not so much as that we had hoped for. Videogames have demonstrated the potential in engaging the kids, but, in general, schools are not ready for applying videogames. Using videogames in school is not only a technical problem, but also a set of problems covering content designs, students’ learning achievement evaluations, parents’ opinions, and the social culture values. In addition, deploying game-based learning into classroom is not like applying traditional software in school. In this study, we will discuss the potential obstacles of applying game-based learning in the classroom, and describe several concerns on applying game-based learning in school from teachers, students, and social culture perspectives. An empirical study applying multiple mice technology in face-to-face one-digit addition exercise minigame is reported.

An Empirical Study on Multiple Mice Supported One-Digit Addition Exercises Minigame
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