Introduction to the Special Issue on DiGRA 2019

Since its inauguration in 2003, the DiGRA International Conference series has provided a venue for the presentation and discussion of digital games-related research from multiple and diverse areas. DiGRA 2019 was held at the Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan, between 6th and 10th of August. The theme of the conference was ‘Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo Mix’. The theme built on the idea of ‘media mix’ (wasei-eigo, メディアミックス or ‘media mikkusu’), inviting “contributors to consider the possibility of ‘ludo mix’ where games and play increasingly occupy the focal point of such a diversified distribution and consumption model” (Wirman, Furuichi and Mortensen 2019). Notably, Professor Eiji Ōtsuka, who coined the very term, offered the first keynote speech at the conference, providing true insights and inviting new perspectives into and around the theme.

Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo Mix
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