The Common Core State Standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the Potential of Digital Game-Based Learning and Assessment

This paper presents promising practices in the emerging field of technology-enhanced, game-based educational assessment. We examine recent developments in the field and present interviews and case studies to illuminate potential paths along which game-based assessment might evolve. We aim to increase understanding of how game-based assessment could become an integral component of assessment practices and systems, and we encourage the game industry, the assessment industry, and “games for learning” advocates to develop game-based assessment products with the potential to enhance meaningful accountability and to inform teaching and learning processes. We seek to advance games, learning, and assessment as an emerging field and to suggest that game-based assessment may hold relevance for broader conversations about next generation assessments, particularly those aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Finally, we generate recommendations for designing and applying digital games to address the demands of assessment.

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