This study for the first time tested whether cognitive inhibition, the mind’s ability to disregard stimuli that are irrelevant to the task at hand, and a known attribute of successful action video gaming (Castel, Pratt & Drummond, 2005; Kowal, Toth, Exton & Campbell, 2018), could be a marker of expertise among players of one of the most popular first person shooter esports, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Here we tested low, intermediate, and high ranked gamers and compared their performance on a color word stroop task and also compared the performance of players in each gaming rank group to non-gamers. We found that when considering both accuracy and response times, elite gamers performed significantly better than both intermediate and low ranked gamers on the simple choice reaction time condition (Accuracy, p<0.025; Response Time p<0.001) and significantly better than intermediate ranked gamers on the incongruent condition (an measure of cognitive inhibitory ability)(Accuracy, p<0.001; Response Time p<0.001).
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